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    Best Wishes for Happy Holidays from all the Staff of Fraglia Vela Malcesine.
    All numbers of the Season 2023

  • Simone Salvà wins the Bronze Medal at Moth Worlds

    Simone Salvà is third overall at Moth World Championship!From 27 November to 4 December, in Buenos Aires, 13 races to win the Moth 2022 title.Simone made good competition from the beginning, with a second place…

  • Mattia Lonardi: Staff Ufficio Fraglia Vela Malcesine

    My ten years at the Fraglia Vela Malcesine

    The phone call My adventure with the Fraglia Vela Malcesine started with a phone call in 2008. I was 24 years old and was two exams away from my degree in building engineering and architecture.…

  • Flavio Scala Fraglia Vela Malcesine

    The heroic era of sailing

    I started sailing in Brenzone with gaff rigged sails used by fishermen. In those days there was no sailing school and I was self taught in a boat loaned to me by my father’s friends.…

  • Carcasole Ylena Istruttore Vela alla Fraglia Vela Malcesine

    Tutta una vita dedicata alla vela

    Sono socia della Fraglia Vela Malcesine dal 1989, all’epoca avevo dieci anni, ora ne ho trentasette e sono ancora qui a raccontarvi la mia storia. Come tutti i bambini sono partita frequentando i corsi vela estivi in Optimist:…

  • Giuseppe Devoti, Fraglia Vela Malcesine

    I can’t imagine living without sailing

    The beginnings It was in the seventies when I started sailing, I was twelve years old. I did my first sailing course together with my cousin Gianbattista at the Brenzone sailing club taught by Nicolino Salvà. At…

  • Gianni Testa Presidente FVM Fraglia Vela Malcesine

    It’s called Passion

    Sailing at any cost When I was out delivering groceries from my parents shop I would pass by the the Fraglia. I was only young but I was fascinated to watch the sailors going out in…